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Arthritis is not an individual disease; it is an informal way of referring to a joint pain. it is very common for people but is not properly understand.While “arthritis” involves joint infection, it is actually the umbrella terminology used to represent more than 100 different Arthritis disorders and forms that affect the cells, the connective muscle and tissues, and the muscles that gird the joint. while patient having severe arthritis, immediately contact best arthritis doctor nearby.

Symptoms of Arthritis

Most of all Symptoms of arthritis depend on which type of arthritis you have.

Following are some general Signs and symptoms:

  • Having pain in affected joints
  • Having Swelling in joints or affected body parts
  • Change the skin color (Redness)
  • lack motion in joints
  • Rigidity in Joints
  • locking of the joint
  • limping
  • Weakness

Type of Arthritis:-

  • Degenerative Arthritis.
  • Inflammatory Arthritis.
  • Infectious Arthritis.
  • Metabolic Arthritis.

Causes of Arthritis:-

There are no particular causes for Arthritis, Causes have differed accordingly type of Arthritis which you have.

Rheumatoid arthritis happens while your immune system strikes on synovial or lining of joints. As a result, infection swells the synovial, which can ultimately damage the bone and cartilage inside the joint.

Normally our Cartilage is a buffer of sorts that’s why our joint work smoothly but when cartilage gets damaged than the bone grinding directly to bone and then causes pain and lack movement of joints.

unusual metabolism, managing to pseudo gout.

Heredity and family hazards

Other facts:- Smoking, Previous injury, Infection, Physical demanding occupations.

Obesity and overweight.

Treatments for Arthritis:-

Firstly talk with the best Arthritis Doctor about your problem and discuss on which treatment can improve your joint movements. treatment depends on which type of Arthritis you have.

Loss Weight:- Weight can also make a big effect on the pain you feel of arthritis. Excess mass puts exceeding load on your joints, especially your hip, knee, and feet.

Exercises:- Exercise is more beneficial for especially arthritis patients.Either doing exercise or physical activity is helps to maintain flexibility of your joints.

Following common exercises are:-

– Strengthening exercises

– Range-of-motion exercises

– Aerobic exercise

Use hot and cold therapy:- Taking a hot shower in the morning is helping in pain. Hot water help in relaxation stiffness in your joint. Cold treatment help in relieving swelling and joint pain. it reducing blood supply to the particular area which can reduce the inflammation of joints.

Surgery:- If you did not get relief for doing above points than consult an arthritis doctor for surgery.

JaipurJoints also provide Arthritis treatment from best Arthritis Doctor in Jaipur.

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    Delaware 10299
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